Novel Approaches to Temperature and Pressure Compensation in NH3 TDLAS Gas Analyzer Systems

NH3 TDLAS (Ammonia Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy) gas analyzer systems are widely used for monitoring ammonia emissions in various industrial and environmental settings. However, accurate measurements of ammonia concentrations can be affected by fluctuations in temperature and pressure. In this blog, we will explore novel approaches to temperature and pressure compensation in NH3 TDLAS…

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5 Advantages of Using UPI for Business in The New Era

In today’s fast-paced business world, the importance of efficient payment methods cannot be understated. A growing demand for cashless transactions prompts businesses to actively seek dependable and efficient payment solutions. UPI, or Unified Payment Interface, has recently emerged as one of businesses’ most popular and preferred payment modes.  To understand why UPI payments are the…

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